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Y’all I’m feeling really anxious, cause the guy that I don’t even like that much isn’t replying to me. Like ik he will but still I’M GETTING SO MUCH ANXIOUS ABOUT IT. I know that I’m not that into him and he’s not that great. Why is happening to me lol. I can’t even concentrate on my studies.
The last time this happened to me with another guy, we ended up dating which was veryy bad. Breaking up with him was like reliving my life. Also I’m an overthinker so small things affect me a lot.
This is so weird so I know I deserve so much better and I know I don’t even like him, but still just so badly want his attention and his name to pop up in my notifications again :(

Ps- sorry for the bad writing structure, I’m ready anxious.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anony7
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chnrv
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anony7

Heyy… I understand what you are feeling. It’s okk to be anxious about it. It’s normal. But please for once sit calmly and decide where he stands. Because if you don’t it will be this hurting everytime he does anything. Ik it’s hard to do that. But you are so much stronger than you think. So do it…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chnrv

chnrv @chnrv

Look first of all you judge people. That’s a bad persons quality. You cannot judge people by their appearance, or their style, look for their heart!
And since you are studying, I guess you are a student, and I see many students who get into love stuff and suffer… they waste their time for their mate, sacrifice their studies and hence life too. You are warned that this should be puppy love, not real one…
If you want people to come behind you then you must do something that grabs their attention…
and I think that feeling of him to notice you is somewhat ego… you can change that very easily. Just replace that guy with a new person who cares for you.


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