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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @haviyadav21

Havi yadav @haviyadav21

Wrote this:)

I remember when my eyes fall on you
My heart chooses to be yours
When my feet doesn’t think of moving
In that moment
I choose you over everything
I loved you more than I could
From that day, till now
All I do is fall for you more
As i know you gonna break me
In two halves
But my soul kept running to you
As my heart chooses to be yours
When my feet doesn’t think of moving

Memories that you gave me
I am still bound to them
When i first saw you
i dream
To be yours and makes you mine
As breakdown hard to tolerate
You wake me up to the reality
When my eyes wants to sleep
With a dream of yours
Why you are like this?
This questions keeps showing up
But i keep running to you
As my heart chooses to be yours
When my feet doesn’t think of moving

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kareem @n_89



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