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3am ThoughtsThought


Writing here after sometime… it’s been 5 months since she is not with me, i have been focusing on myself…today i don’t know why but i do miss her…i loved her soo much…fck some part of me still loves her but lyf is complicated and I’m trying to make it easy.

Does anyone feel that you have the answers in front of you but you still dont accept them…ahh man im spiralling now n i don’t like that.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ilaraibraja
5 replies

It’s normal to think back on past relationships and wonder “what if?” and question what could’ve been and I personally think love never goes away. You’re always going to love them but there’s a point where you should acknowledge that a chapter in your life has ended and that it might be best to leave it in the past and appreciate the love that was felt and the memories you both share.

If you choose to revisit that chapter one more time and give it another go, make sure you aren’t hurting them in the process.

I hope it all works out.

Remember, all things work together for good!!


Yes hope is what i have now

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ilaraibraja

Laraib Raja. @ilaraibraja

Focusing on yourself ,progressing doesn’t necessarily mean that you will forget her /stop loving her ,it means you are moving on and learned to live with the holes in your heart she lefts you with, on the contrary we don’t accept the answers because they are not in our favour ,but expectations of something on favorable side will breaks us . Notice the true sings the world is pointing you with .Its more then enough for us human to live in imaginative hopes of desire.


Soo true… thank you so much


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