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Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...

wrinting is after so long…
so far done with 3 boards psychology was great (relieved) F physics
and he’s back from India I saw him but he acting cold again.
I’m trying to work on me to get into some physical hobby after boards something a little less complex given that I’ve never been into sports. tell me If yoga on an everyday basis works for a novice and how do you get started.
I really wanna be THAT girl the one who doesn’t sway with her emotions she doesn’t have her heart beating out of her chest with just the thought of him being near who has her feelings in her control. I’m not sonal yet she gets to have it I’m so much more but I just want to stop feeling this way I love him and I really missed him and now that he’s back all I crave for are his hands holding me I want to give so much yet I can’t cause emotions are perceived as being weak why is it so hard to not love someone why is it so easy for him to not love me the way he did.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity
8 replies

Just to be clear, you like a guy who doesnt like you back am i right?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...

No Im in a sorta relationship with him and theres everythinig just without a label and I dont know why but he keeps hurting me and its so fucking hard to not love him cause Im a really expressive person and he for some reason wont reciprocate anything back


Im sorry to say this to you , but he isnt interested in you . Its better if you break up and move on

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...

well we’re barely talking cause I was ignoring him for 15 days and then when he got back to Dubai he texted me saying can we talk someday I really want this to work But I dont know whats changed since we met cause hes just not putting any effort whatsoever

Sayali @sayaliii3

This is just because your giving to much time and attention whenever he wants . Let him know your value . Let him miss you . Take a break . Work on yourself . Dw things will get better soon


I second this opinion. Plus it would really help you in the long term if you break up since he isnt putting any efforts

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...

there isnt anything to break up we barely talk cause I pulled away…
and come to think of it there are some reaons for him to keep it low profile considering were a professional setting… and also cause I have really strict parents but still things have definitely change since when it started


You do you . Whatever you deem right


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