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Would you get into relationship with a guy who you are not attracted to but you know he’s a good person ,earns well and have a great future together??

8 replies

Nope that’s the worst thing to do

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In this situation yes you should get into relationship but make sure he loves kids

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I think i should…if i see future with him then why not…u only see the future when u have some feelings u know like kutch to h per pta nhi kya h vali…😆 i think jb u get to feel like yr maybe i have future mature vala kido vala nhi tb u should be in that one…😊

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Its totally depends on you

As you said he is a good person so you must be caring towards him.
Just because you think you will hurt his feelings by rejecting him dont Accept it.
Because if you think lets get in relationships and slowly you will develop feelings for him than relationship will work.
But what if you don’t get any feelings… You will hurt him even more by this .
Think carefully


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