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3am ThoughtsThought

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Will I ever find a place where I’ll just fit in? Where I wont be too much for anyone?

5 replies

well theres nothin we can do to fit in we just have to make a place for ourselves


And if we can not then? Should we suffer till we try making one fit place for us? Whys it hurting so much but I’m just numb about it outside. Inside its a fucking storm


just leave it behind trust me u will eventually find happiness
i had left all d expectations i held for people who were toxic n makes me feel lyk i shud b fitting with them to b happy


Yah already did that and now i fucking hate all and im fuckin lonely aff and crazy in my mind. Im doing everyday works, job whatever its good but im just not happy. Irony is that i dont even want to be friends with anyone or get attached to smth or smone. Im just drifting idk where the f.


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