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3am ThoughtsThought


Will be graduating in a month and sem exams are 19 days away. MSc is tough to get into and for my further studies, I was looking into UK colleges and US colleges- the good ones have insane requirements and I am worried about the funds. It seems like rn I got 0 security. I hope my dreams don’t turn to dust because they are all I have rn. I wish it all works out. 111

Profile picture for Now&Me member @boredaf
7 replies

I wish it all works out and you achieve success 😊




Best wishes for your degree and msc further!!


Thanks 🥹🥹🥹🥹. I hope I can make it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @boredaf

JD 🌛 @boredaf

Dreams do comes true ✨ , wishing you all the best for your future 😊


Thanks. You are super kind

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