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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought


Why you hate your relatives?
Ans down below coz I don’t like my relatives

4 replies

BEWDA666 @bewda666


Aaacha nhi dikhta


Same buddy
1 Cause they ask me lot of questions I’m like whyyyyy my is f!!!ked up thanks to you and why do I have answer those questions even if I don’t want to
2 Okay I’m not interested in your kids life and they aren’t my compition they have different dreams and mine are different andddd how could I ruin your kids life they already did by themselves
3 Whyyyyyyy the f!!k you want me to marry this early and you are thinking about sending your kid to abroad for studying like whattttt insan hi ho na yaaaa glti se kuch or hi peda ho gye
3 Don’t judge me Don’t f!!king judge me if I’m wearing preety clothes then it’s for me not the boys who came in family function
4 If my like me the way I’m then who are you to tell her stupid stuff
I hate them I literally hate them
Thanks bro I feel good now
Mughe yeh sbb chila chila ke khna h bsss

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