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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Why the hell i am made like this ? Why i don’t like drinking alcohol ? Why i don’t like smoking? Why i feel uncomfortable and feels suffocated among those who drink and smoke ? Why i feel suffocation from smell of alcohol and smoke ? Why i feel like running out of there and no dude i literally tried to change myself and i literally tried to feel comfortable but no i end up feeling angry, suffocated and most importantly uncomfortable. I have social anxiety too and i am introvert so going among these kind of people literally drains my energy. I really someday wish that out of anger or frustration i drink and drive a car and meet with an accident and die i have literally imagined a lot about myself like this. My bf drinks but i tried to get acustomed among thpse who drink and smoke but i really end up crying and feeling frustrated and it’s not about one time it has happened a lot of times.

Ps : I am suffering from severe stage depression from 15 years and high functioning anxiety disorder and ocd too.

4 replies

Heyy you need some good friendss…if u think u can’t stand your bf doing these things….even if u tried your best then your bf should understand that these things make u uncomfortable and if he dont understands that then he put those things more important than u,u should leave him and be with someone who dont drink and smoke ,there are plenty of guys that dont do that stuff….im a guy i hate those thingss i mean its not like,that im uncomfortable around people doing that kinda thingss butt still i never liked those things and prefer people without them…so its not bad thing since u are already suffering inside for soo long u should relieve some stress…make new friends…if u want i can be your friend…i would love too…❤️


Hey thankss would love to connect and a big thanks for reading such big msg and caring too 😊


You are worried too much about the things of the world. Worried about what other people think of you. Not drinking and smoking is amazing for your health. It is better to be alone then in bad company. Start reading the Bible. Get closer to God so you can find your purpose. This world will blind you. I suffer from the same things as you and recently realized that this world is temporary we aren’t meant to be happy here. This world is meant for you to learn and understand that we are fighting a spiritual battle. God didn’t create us to be better then one another but to be equal to help each other to love but instead we live in a selfish world. Sending you a big hug.


Thankss much love and power to you too


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