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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

Why the f#ck am I even alive? It’s so fuckin stupid

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ranveer69
Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm
9 replies
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ranveer69

_ranveersandu @ranveer69


Ask your parents they will definitely have 100ds of answers of your this silly question!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm


I don’t think they do, I doubt they even question their own existence

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm


Genes are indeed selfish, all they care about is survival

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ranveer69

_ranveersandu @ranveer69


It’s about you existence first. Just ask them if they have any value of yours in their life…


This is not what my question’s about. Life is indeed the most precious thing in the universe (at least for now) but why is it precious? Why am I even alive? Universe does not care if I live or die,it doesn’t care if we all love all die, it will still expand and accelerate to expand regardless. But…there’s a twist, if we all die, there will be no observer to observe the universe and hence no one to collapse it’s wave function, in simple words it will cease to exist (or exist and cease to exist at the same time). If I’m just a part of the swarm and a B-plan then is there truly any significant value of the individual me? And if not, then isn’t all of this stupid? Why am I alive again?

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm


Because on the grand scheme, none of us matter, at least not as individuals or unless one of us is the last remaining soul. β€˜You exist therefore I am’ but what will happen when YOU cease to exist? Who’ll gonna collapse my wave function? Am I even alive at that point? Or alive and dead simultaneously? It’s all meaningless, isn’t it?

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