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Why it is so difficult for me to talk to people evn it is difficult for me to respond to anything . Tht thing is affecting my work life .
Is there anyway to overcome social anxiety 🥺

11 replies

Sansthita @sansthita

Just give it time. Don’t try to talk immediately, but just try to get used to being around people for longer periods of time… Then maybe just wave a hi, and gradually increase that level


I tried it everyday bt until someone talk to me i am not able to interact with them 😕.

Sansthita @sansthita

I suffered the same stuff… But it got better with time


Wht should i do

Sansthita @sansthita

Just give it time… And keep being around people. Try initiating conversations by just saying, ‘Hey you good?’ Dude it will be fine. Don’t take so much stress. It gets better



Sansthita @sansthita



Start by online friendships.

Then helping people in real life, volunteering, joining clubs. Smiling at strangers you see everyday.
Petting a pet some stranger has. Start having friendly conversation with shopkeepers you see everyday.


I use to help people evn i love it bt having conversation with them is difficult . I m new to the office and it is so difficult for me to evn respond if someone talk to me .


I guess then straight out saying I’m sorry I’m an introvert so a little nervous would help them know you better and co.operate




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