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3am ThoughtsThought


Why is that you can be sure about someone and can’t be sure about " commitment" ? Is it okay to feel this way? Why is tha we can’t let go of someone , even if we try to convince ourselves that we can’t lose our self-respect why can’t we let go of the person in our thoughts? I like a guy , I told him , he clearly said he never felt that way , we are pretty close and now we haven’t spoke for 20 days , I dont text him and he didn’t… somtimes I feel he treats me like my other close person of his … I wanna move on… I am never a girl wh sits and cry over a man .but why is it confusing?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ambitiousluv
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ambitiousluv

Suma Rai @ambitiousluv

Seems to me you need to put yourself #1. It’s okay what you’re feeling it’s completely normal but remember don’t let it eat you up… Ik it’s hard. Put yourself first and love yourself life isn’t always about love or anything, I’ve learnt tough way that confusing things aren’t gonna take me to the right path


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