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Profile picture for Now&Me member @panboy17

malachi @panboy17

why is it so hard for a girl to see what i am truly like im not a bad guy im just sensitive like i just want a girlfriend who truly gets how i feel and will comfort me no matter what im going through.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl
Profile picture for Now&Me member @panboy17
Profile picture for Now&Me member @not_jasmine
15 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl

Vick @1alternativeegirl

oof im sorry. Im pan cuz my bf came out as trans so i changed from lesbian to pan. I mean im pretty sensitive too but im also spoicy so idk… everyone likes different things. Dont be scared make a move. It gives you an adrenaline rush.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @panboy17

malachi @panboy17

the only reason im scared is because of if i get rejected then i just made a fool of myself

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl

Vick @1alternativeegirl

i promise you won’t then u know their not into you and you can move on. Easy peasy. Ur holding urself back pandejo!!! Shhot ur dang shot!!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @panboy17

malachi @panboy17

well since im in high school i have severe anxiety problems

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl

Vick @1alternativeegirl

so am i and i have anxiety too but i still shooted my shot. If u like someone and nervous to talk give them a paper with ur name and number and say hey you seem cool wanna be friends or something. Make a cute note or just say hi and give them the note and walk away. Simple

Profile picture for Now&Me member @panboy17

malachi @panboy17

did that im just scared to ask her cuz of how many rejects i had in the past

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl

Vick @1alternativeegirl

at least u know they dont want to date you…I eel like u just want a gf/bf to just say you have one. Its not about how/handsome/beautiful they are. Its how u feel. U need to get to know them more and if u get butterflies then maybe wait and if u still feel the same. Then do something romantic and ask em out or spontaneously kiss em.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl

Vick @1alternativeegirl

i feel like u just want a partner to say u want one. You need to get to know someone b4 u ask them out. Its about how they make you feel. Dont just tell them as soon as you feel things for them. See where it takes you and if u still like them, then be spontaneous and tell them, do something romantic like a picnic or go to a restaurant.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @panboy17

malachi @panboy17

no ik but the real reason i want a partner is so i can go to bed knowing theres someone out there who loves me yk

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl

Vick @1alternativeegirl

yeah i do, just dont rush things.


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