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Why is it so easy to feel de motivated whereas being motivated takes forever. I am really trying my best to put my head down and finish my work… but my anxiety about the unknown is just acting up. I really don’t know how to stop worrying about the future and focus more on the present.

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V @az78

That is because being demotivated lies in the comfort zone. Our mind is used to thinking of the world outside as a threat, and to protect yourself from that threat, it chooses the easy option of not going out, not taking the effort. This applies not just to motivation but to literally anything in life. Do at least one thing in your day that makes you step a little bit out of your comfort zone and keep doing this. You’ll see the results for yourself


This actually helped… what you said makes complete sense.

V @az78

Happy to have helped


Open Pinterest and search for motivation and spend at least 20 min of scrolling and there u go - your motivation


Haha that seems fun… does it actually work or do I just go down the Pinterest rabbit hole?


Noo its worth it. U just scroll but about the stuff u wanna get motivated. Nd ya the time on it should be limited. Like a 1/2 hour and so. Later u will feel motivated and then start doing the thing u wanna. And this is a genuine advice which usually work for me


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