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Why is crossdressing hated so much around here?
Not talking about related to gender or sexual orientation at all
Just plain old crossdressing for fun.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rox00775609
2 replies

Not hated it’s not interested so people don’t talk about it and if they are not interested then they probably don’t want someone like that in their life 🀷 so choose someone who enjoy same taste as you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rox00775609

sunny @rox00775609


The level of acceptance or rejection towards crossdressing can differ significantly depending on historical, cultural, religious, and societal factors. It’s important to note that societal attitudes towards crossdressing can vary widely, and what may be considered unacceptable or even hated in one context might be accepted or celebrated in another.

That being said, the negative attitudes towards crossdressing in certain societies can often be attributed to several factors:

Gender norms and expectations: Many societies have strict gender norms that dictate how individuals should behave, dress, and present themselves. Deviating from these norms, such as by crossdressing, can be seen as challenging or subverting the established gender roles, which can be met with resistance or hostility.

Misconceptions and stereotypes: Crossdressing has often been associated with misconceptions and stereotypes, leading to stigmatization. Some people may mistakenly perceive crossdressing as an indicator of someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity, even when it’s solely an expression of fashion or personal preference. These misconceptions can contribute to negative attitudes and prejudice.

Fear of the unfamiliar: People sometimes react negatively to things they don’t understand or are unfamiliar with. Crossdressing, being a departure from traditional gender norms, can evoke discomfort or fear in some individuals, leading to negative reactions.

Cultural and religious beliefs: Some cultures or religious traditions have specific beliefs or teachings that discourage or condemn any form of gender nonconformity, including crossdressing. Such beliefs can shape societal attitudes and contribute to the negative perception of crossdressing.


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