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Why has it become so hard to love these days? So many rules, so many filters, so many conditions? Why can’t we just fall in love and figure things out? Why are we so afraid of love?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive
11 replies

Sanket @sanket

Its not hard to love, we have become intolerant


Probably! I wish I was living in 60s, might get killed for loving someone from different caste but would have worth it.


Well loving someone else was always hard. We have this perception that it was easy in the past . The struggles were different back then. We have this perception coz of pop culture we consume where they dont reflect on the ugly dirty side of relationships that one has to go through to sustain long term meaningful relationships .


I totally understand, it’s just that there’s too much on social media “couple goals” to compare to these days and I believe in past the bigger problem was the society and although society is a bit accepting these days, but people don’t want to fall in love just for love. They wanna fall in love with “what Love should feel like”. I’m sorry for ranting, also if it makes sense.


Couple goals are stupid. They are inflated and they never discuss the ugly side of relationships. Unfortunately people are scammed to believe in ideal relationships.
I agree with your last line so much. People love ideas more than the person itself.


🥂 to finding love for love!


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