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Why everything makes me so under confident…I don’t why I have been started hating myself …hating the way I look …why am I becoming so conscious about what other will think if I do behave in certain ways…idk what’s going on

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you don’t even know if it is “babe” or “bro” 😂
feeling judged ???

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exactly my point! when you came to help some one out, you haven’t thought much… overthinking or fear of being judged! there was nothing! i can see you can defend yourself and the person you are helping then why you think so much over things when you are living your own life!! (telling you things because you have same situation) you are strong… rule over it… live it to the fullest BABE
and yes i am “babe” but more likely to be called “bro”


hey listen!! everyone is gonna die… no one is gonna remember you… so just f*ck everything… you know if there ever you dance on road or in public, people will laugh, talk about you but you know they have there own life… after 2 days they’ll not even remember everything… but you are gonna make a life time memory! if you life is depending on someone’s opinion… then its not YOUR life…
weather there is good show or a flop show audience is audience and artist is artist
take your life in your own hand… and yes live it to the fullest right now then regreting on day… i wish i could have LIVED!!
for more motivation go and read there are people with life lessons before they die!
all the best <3


Heyyy !!!Thankyou so much!


Hii !! your most welcome miss 🥂


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