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Why does no one trust me? even my own fcking parents don’t trust me, yk i do not know why the fck i still care about my parents when they are the reason i am depressed, having mental breakdowns, suicide thoughts, insecure, crying every single fcking day, and a lot more shit but despite all of that shit for. some reason for some fcking reason i still love them and care for them AND FOR SOME FCKING REASON i still love them why the fck do i still love them even if they are the reason I’m not ok? they don’t even fckin know that I’m depressed, fcking shit am i adopted or something because for some fcking reason they don’t know that I’m not ok. Can they just for once listen to me tho because they never do! i hate myself for hating them, can someone just listen and care for me?

23 replies

Hi Brother,

I am listening

Tell me


I’m a girl actually


Does it matter,

Tell me, I am listening …


I am tired of living tbh but I am so fcking scared to die actually no I’m not scared to die I’m just scared what would happen if I die



as i read from above, its mostly due to parents right ?


yeah its mostly because of them but I don’t blame them actually, I blame myself for being too fcking weak


no you are not weak,

you have just measured yourself in the wrong bucket.

by the way, are you in your teenage, the reason i am asking it during this age we tend to have a lot of emotions

secondly how about taking some break and do something for yourself or go on a trip with your friends etc


if you knew my age you would be surprised, I am pretty young


oh, are you like 12-13 ?


you may or may not be correct


that means i am correct XD

Well then you are very young dear,

I understand what you are going through, but then your are still growing, a lot to come and transform

Charlene @howareyourig

ik im young but that’s exactly the point I’m so fcking young but I already have suicide thoughts, I fcking made a suicide message then deleted it (sorry for cussing)


Yk strangers that i have never even fcking met know more about the important things In my life more than my parents



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I know very well that i won’t get better if I don’t talk to them but if I say that hey mom and dad you are the reason your child is depressed, is crying every day, has suicidal thoughts, and more shit. I think if they hear that they might get sad and blame themselves then I would mess up the family. I’m not saying the truth for all of their sakes. also sure they might not be the most wrong about what they say and do but they do not have any right to say those things to me idc that me and my parents share the same DNA no one deserves to hear those types of words and feel like your alone on the edge of a cliff just waiting to fall


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