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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Why does it hurt!

I am doing fine i tell myself that everything will be fine

I carry a carefree mind and smile in every possible way!

But why is it hurting! Even when I want to cry I only smile !!
Even when I want to scream i smile

Why are things this tough!

Why am I not finding a warm hug that can break me down

Why is it hard for me to find a single person who is on my side

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranayjay
Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranayjay

Jay_Kay @pranayjay

Tough times make some of us seal our emotions and become stoic, to defend us from becoming erratic. We only need to find the right trigger that will open the gates of our heart and it will come out pouring. You just need to find your key at the right time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

What if that key doesn’t exist

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranayjay

Jay_Kay @pranayjay

It has to. We’re all people with empathy and emotions. If you don’t cry for yourself you may cry for others, either way it’s a release.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

I cannot cry !! When I used to cry people used to call me week! I m hurt enough

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranayjay

Jay_Kay @pranayjay

I’m sorry I cannot tell you a hack or a method to relieve you of your emotional burden. All I can say is I eventually found something to set me free and it came at a point when I did not expect it to happen. And when it happened all and everything kicked in at the same time. But on the other side I stopped feeling burdened or overwhelmed by my emotions, they just came and went. I hope you find yours soon, hope you stay patient with yourself ❤️


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