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Why does everything have to be so complicated? My life has been like a torture and I feel like there’s no way out. I’m so sad and tired and my home environment is also not good. I feel so neglected and unhappy because parents are supposed to be there to help you out, not get drunk and create a pathetic environment. I just want to feel loved and important. Is it too much to ask?
Thanks for letting me share

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn
4 replies

Heyy🥺🥺I can understand what it’s like. Family issues hurt more than anything. I know how much it hurts, sending hugs and comfort…hang on warrior good days are coming! Don’t let that outside energy ruin the kind compassionate human u are don’t get dull due to them keep thriving keep smiling…take care❤️


Thank you so much! It feels good to know that I have somebody’s support

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

Its never too much too ask for…
And i know how you feel but listen sometimes life puts you in a situation due to various reason i Dont know what is a reason why God puts you there, but trust him he has better plans for you and when you turns back and see you will find that each n every thing in your life has some purpose ,and it is definitely for your betterment and a reason you are there today… and if you dont believe in god trust the timing…dear brother/sister
Sometimes we don’t understand why this is happening to us,but when this time passed and everything falls into their place you will understand everything till then be patient with your self, stay kind…take care of yourself and yeah I’m here for you…


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