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3am ThoughtsThought


Why does everyone say Dont judge people
why shouldn’t we ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @literally_me
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @literally_me

anonymous @literally_me

Because you don’t Know what is actually going in their life …



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We all judge but the thing is we just deny and hum ache bnn jaate
and say naah we dont judge its bad …
Judging is not bad. we get to know the soetch of a person but finalising a character based on that is not right

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yea we dont know wat’s going on in their life But i feel like our basic nature is judgy.

We get to know about them when they speak
people’s words and actions describes them
everyone judges But we just pretend like we r not judging or we just say naa naa im not judging and shadow that judgement with some honeycoated words like vibe ni match kri yaar…


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