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Why do you love me if you are not over your ex? You will never truly love me if you keep thinking about him. I have to wait for your decision, your decision to truly love me the way I love you. When will you let him go? He was never worth your time, why don’t you see that. He treated you poorly, you loved him, he used you, but you still loved him. I know I’m not being reasonable but I’m right here, I’m here to love you in open arms. Please let me in, I understand your weight. I felt like that after my ex broke me but I will not hold myself attached to a person who was not worth my love, that person hurt me. Used my body treated me like dirt and I decided to end that cycle…please I know heart break can last a long time but please…please don’t deal with it alone. I love you please see that. I’ll take care of you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kelebek
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kelebek

kelebekmiy @kelebek

youre amazing! world still fine if we still have such pple like u. I want to thank u if she didnt, cuz she probably trying to heal and to move on, its not easy. I understand how much kind u are that u want to be with her, u dont wanna her to deal with it alone, but sometimes we need that space, we need to feel the pain to be able to move on.💗🦋✨ i hope she’ll see how much u love her and give u what u deserve even more!💗


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