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Why do women expect so much from us? Why can’t i expect something from them? Why are the so hypocritical that when they do something then it’s justified but when we do it then it’s wrong? Why must we always say sorry? Why are we expected to understand them but they won’t even try? Why do they get hurt over trivial matter which shouldn’t affect “Us”. Why do they always play the guessing game? Why don’t they ever share their intentions? Why is it that when we do something wrong , it gives them the freedom to hurt/ do something wrong to us but when they do something wrong then they had a valid reason and we must understand it? Why?
Asking for a friend🙂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anshdev
8 replies

Cause men will be men…

Ari @justboredtoday

it’s not a ‘women’ thing, it’s a maturity thing.


I thought the last sentence made it clear but i guess it didn’t. I’m not defaming every women it’s just the few who have done this to me I’m referring to. The last sentence was written in a sarcastic way to show that this is something I’m currently facing and need advice on. Sorry if it gave the wrong message

Ari @justboredtoday

i am extremely sorry, I didn’t mean any harm by that. at all, the problem you’re facing is unacceptable by any means. but it’s hard, I know to find someone who can’t agree with you when it comes to relationship problems. it’s an ‘always gotta be right’ type situation I believe? if I were you- I’d have a sit down, express my emotions to said person, and if they can’t support it, I’d they can’t agree, or at least agree to disagree that’s were I’d start to draw my line and re evaluate if this relationship is worth my time. but there are ways around this, like time & trying to see it from other perspectives.

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Ya i know I’m not defaming any women. Only the ones I’ve met

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @anshdev

Raptor x @anshdev



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