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Why do we have to live with them just bcoz they’re our family members 😭
I just hate him the most… 😭😭
Why is he my brother … Whyyyyy 😭

9 replies

Freedom costs my friend…! If you wanna get out …! Work hard …! Study hard…! Be independent and you can have all the freedom you want…! Worked for me…! I wanted to get out too


Yessss I will…!!!
It’s just frustrating that it’ll take time…


I know…! 😫 jus hang in there with dreams and hope… dream about the happiness you will have when you are finally done with all of the negative things…! I know most of them will say " they are family…! You cant say things like that" but trust me it is your life and you decide how u should live…!


Yess yessss 😩


❤️❤️ smile now


U really made me smile 🥺❤️…
U too say cheeseee 😁😁


Awww…! Cheeeese😍😍😍🥶🥶🥶 glad i could help…🥰


Thank you 💗


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