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Why do we get raped… And why is there no way of getting justice afterwards, why are we supposed to be sitting silently and why don’t they ever get punishment for what they did to us…

29 replies

No words to say


That’s okay :)


Because of evilness inside of those people regardless their gender. Rape, murder, torcher, harrassment etc all crimes comes under this.


This is the world we live in. If you speak up, you’re probably doing it for attention. If you bring in evidence, then you’re making a false accusation and manipulating everyone because statistically that is much more than actual cases. If you don’t speak up, you’re questioned if it really happened or not, or maybe you don’t have the guts to speak up because it’s now apparently your responsibility that the perpetrator must not commit this crime with another person. So apparently whatever we do, it’s always the girl’s fault because ‘not all men’.


This, I say being a person who had been assaulted multiple times as a child by a man in my family. Obviously everyone is innocent and the child who was traumatized is hysterical. But then why in the world are all the perpetrators of these crimes men even though I too agree that not all men do this.


Ikr… But why can’t it be right… Why is it still the way it is after all that we have done to make it right… And am not just talking for girls am talking for the guys who have been through this too
Why can’t we just be safe…


Ik how you feel , how angry you might be because of what happened with you as you were just a kid…
Who felt safe being around people and trusting them , knowing that they won’t do anything to harm you and then all of a sudden finding yourself being betrayed by them


We can’t be safe because apparently our world is too utopian and fairytale-like to freaking WAKE UP to the fact that so many men and women are forced to face such a heinous crime. In fact, we all see it in news and have gotten so used to it that the numbers don’t scare us as much as they should. We have unintentionally accepted this crime as a part of our society.


Till date I still get nightmares and find myself crying in the middle of the night contemplating the worth of my life. As an individual, the last thing I would ever want is for a person to face what I had to and live with it.


Exactly… And it shouldn’t be like that…
I just hope it all changes soon before all of us go and suicide




I get you… Being scared that he might touch me or what if that dude say besides me and placed his hands over me… that constant fear which is a fact that it’s gonna happen someday again and not just once but a lot of times and the fact that we’ll have to go through the cycle of trying to keep ourselves alive just for some new dude to do it again


It’s completely horrifying! It affects a person’s life so much. ‘You did nothing to deserve such a thing happen to you’ is something we find extremely hard to accept, and it goes for you too, my friend. Please take care. If you would like, we can connect on a chat in this platform if it’s okay with you.


Sure but I don’t feel like talking rn , we can still connect right now and talk later

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Thank you so much

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some men just can’t digest the idea that they can’t have sex with the person they like. it’s an urge to take advantage of an innocent or dominate someone they can’t dominate. it’s all the way disturbing. if you are going through such a scenario, i strongly suggest you to talk to the female helpline. remember the person who harassed you had no shame for doing it so you should have no shame for reporting him.


I can’t report it , my family has asked me not to


have you really talked to your family or you’re assuming things?


I have talked to them , they know everything and they themselves told me that they can’t do anything


if you earn then you can afford therapy i guess. so get a therapy and move out of your parents place. if you dont earn yet, i recommend you to start finding a job or doing more school activities. keeping busy and making new friends often helps a lot.


Am still a minor so I have to wait until I can support myself


take part in school activities. of you have a teacher you can trust you can tell her about the problem you’re going through. often teachers provide help. you have to trust someone ask for help.


There are many I trust but i don’t think they have a solution to my problem, so just telling them about my problems won’t do anything to help me much


you are a minor so there’s only very little you know about the world. a teacher might actually be helpful if you trust her with your problems. why? cause she’s an outside entity. unlike your family who has judged you for your trauma, your teacher won’t put the blame on you. cause the moment you tell them what’s going on, you show courage to fight back. your family makes you think that coming out is your weakness but in reality it takes hella lot of courage and since you’re in this app, i know you have the courage. take your time, but when things get tough, don’t hesitate to rely on help.


I don’t trust anyone particularly, am scared that they might tell my parents about it and then I’ll be in trouble


please connect and talk to the psychologists here.

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