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Body imageThought


Why do people who want to loose weight talk about body positivity and self love and everything ?
But as soon as they loose the weight, it’s like they are a whole new person who would comment on ur weight and give u unwanted advice in every conversation

6 replies

May be cuz they go through the same toxic thing so they r just doing the same cuz they just want to vomit that toxicity n it also increase their dopamine level cuz they think they r the member of beautiful slimmer world


Okay but before they used to talk about how beauty isn’t defined by size but what’s within and suddenly it’s all about looks


Cuz this is their frustration like they are so frustrated that know they vomiting it nothing else so don’t give a damn about those ppl they r also very insecured from inside


While giving them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they want to help. I guess they forget what it’s like. The struggle, and that every body works differently. It’s horrible when people comment. Don’t let it get to your head, if you’ve faced this.


You are so right
They end up treating other the way they were once treated forgetting how much it affects the other person !


Yeah, most people think they are being helpful. But they forget that it can be hurtful for others to discuss something that they’ve been struggling with. I hope you feel better though.


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