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β€ΊEmotional Abuseβ€ΊThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @illu

it @illu

Why do people say i am a attention seeker or a sympathy gainer ? I dont want anyone’s sympathy … Just because i am emotional and share about my problems a lot… It doesn’t make me a sympathy gainer .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @illu
6 replies

Hey it’s ok… I’m that person from your previous post. That β€œpeace out βœŒπŸ»β€ one. Sometimes people misjudge you, you there are also people who understand. Instead of focusing on the wrong people, just focus on the ones who support you. I know you didn’t do it to gain sympathy, you just wanted an answer to a question that’s been bugging you, but to some people it might not seem like a big deal. I also overthink a lot so I can understand why you would be so worried

Profile picture for Now&Me member @illu

it @illu


Thank you for responding. Its quite a relief


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