April Knight @april121
why do people cheat on others idk but all i can say is ik im in the wrong for missing my ex bf even though he cheated on me and lied and used me but im finally almost over him even though he will still have a place in my heart all i can say is that i hope and wish him the best with a new girl because he just lost a one of a kind girl he will one day realize that he just lost some one special and that i was really the only one that truly cared and loved him but o well i guess once a cheater is always a cheater.
18CSE4064 @naren
Don’t worry, i hope one day he finds what he is missing then he’ll regret…
April Knight @april121
Block them off, same shit happened to me and i stayed because they begged me to stay and all that only to abuse more and do it again, dont drop your self worth for someone that isn’t worth it
April Knight @april121
yea he would abuse me all the time but i stayed
April Knight @april121
then when i got home from the hospital he said to everyone watch this she still finna come back n then thats when i left for good
Thats so messed up, i think he’s narcissistic i recommend you to watch Dr Ramani’s vids on yt she explains narcissists and tells how to escape, survive, heal, etc. The comments are full of people going through the same thing its really helpful. Atleast is to me
April Knight @april121
thank you i will
April Knight @april121
no cuz when i was in the hospital he went around our school telling people that im having twins with him n that hes leaving me n the kids but i was never pregnant n he also said that i was fucking the cop at the hospital but i never fucked anyone in the hospital n then he was being mean to my family so yea no i dont talk to him anymore