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Devarsh @devarsh

Why do my friends always leave me :(( I help them selflessly and still they end up leaving me. They talk to me only when they need me. I have lost my best friends in past few years and this makes me feel so lonely. 🥺 I am left with nobody to talk to.

8 replies

Hmm… Such friends are not real friends… So be happy that they are out of your life :) make new friends… And don’t hurt yourself for people who don’t deserve to be your friends

Devarsh @devarsh

Thank you. I’ll remember this.

Dokkaebi @dokkaebi

I face the exact same thing, it feels very lonely to me too. I lost all my friends last year, just because we were not meeting, and after I did everything in this friendship. Like my presence doesn’t matter to anyone on this planet.
Do you want to be my friend ?

Devarsh @devarsh

Ohh that’s so sad 🥺! Sure, we can be friends :)

Dokkaebi @dokkaebi



i know exactly how you feel it sucks to feel alone and just want to have someone to always have your back in dealing with this right now so i understand


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