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3am ThoughtsThought


Why do I feel the urge to get a girlfriend like idk randomly even though I know what I want to pursue in my life doesn’t conclude of that especially only being in my teenage years currently. I have plenty of girls I talk to and have talked to girls in a flirty way but never felt it being important or necessary. I try to treat everyone i know in the best way possible but things never seem to escalate where I have really wanted a girl i knew to be my girlfriend but more just general crush if ygm.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_
Profile picture for Now&Me member @arj
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

I don’t know how old you are, what your experiences are with girlfriends but I can tell you that the right one will come one day. I don’t know when, how or why but she will come. Give it some time king, if you try to rush it, you’ll end up getting hurt like a lot of guys. I think you need affection, I mean I have the same thing. I feel the need to get a boyfriend, just like that, randomly. But I think it’s because we both have a lack of affection. Social media shows a lot of couples, kissing, cuddling and having a lovely time, which bring a feeling of loneliness and wanting to get a gf/bf. But if you don’t push that feeling away, you may get hurt. And if you ever meet the right one, you’ll feel it. Just don’t rush anything, I really don’t want another guy hurt or girl, I don’t know your gender, but I don’t want another one hurt by a heartbreak.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @arj

Arjun @arj

Hi i genuinely appreciate that I understand my time will come it just I felt like I’ve had opportunities but yeah I agree with you that the right person will come. Yeah definitely because of a lack of affection especially in an Indian household. I’m a guy btw. Any chance we can connect i cannot seem to add you as my connection requests have been used so far.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @arj

Arjun @arj

Ah don’t worry I was able to send a request now 😅

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

I’m sorry tho, those moments are really thought when you’re alone!


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