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Why do I feel that anything and everything I do is just not enough? I am tired of feeling upset no matter how much life gets better. Lagging behind just gives me so much anxiety. And social anxiety literally is crippling. How long does it take to feel you are on track? I feel super done.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly73
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly73

Sreejita Roy @butterfly73

Same feelings were with me but am thankful that I crossed that stage of that feeling .Let me ask you something do you love what you do? Do you feel the things you do from heart? Do you praise yourself even for the smallest things you did for yourself…I think you should first credit yourself whatever you have done even for the smaller things …you have overcome many obstacles and finished many lessons all you need is to thank yourself for each small things believe me slowly slowly you will see how splendid way you will feel and do your things with super satisfaction


I feel incapable of that since I havent done that much in life.


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