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Why do guys stop messaging once they get to know that you’re in a relationship already??
Can’t they be just friends?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @radiant21
Profile picture for Now&Me member @oas
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @oas

Oas Choudhary @oas

So true

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @radiant21

Watermelon @radiant21

Your partner prolly wouldn’t want another guy best around you


Because that will be toxic for them seeing some one who they really wanted to be with, with someone else, it’s hard, but some boys do that in a hope.


They are respectful towards your relationship, nothing wrong with that, i mean you would definitely not like it if your boyfriend hangs out with female friends, same for you, so they know that are being sensible, let them be…


Unko lgta h ky fyda edhrr time waste krke jb daal hi nhi galni


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