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Body imageThought


Why do aunties keep body shaming me? Like literally, you’re not perfect yourself! And why is looking at teenage girls up and down and then commenting on their bodies mandatory?!! Like stfu can we please focus on REAL things. Work on yourself first then tell me that I’m imperfect. God, I hate humans. Everyone should go fuck themselves.

10 replies
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Haha that’s the least of my concerns rn 😭

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Haha it definitely bought a smile on my face, thank youu :)

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kaladin @satyrs_respite

Society is messed up - Indian specifically really love poking their noses into other people’s businesses. I’m a guy - and this have never dealt with this to the extent women do, but on the few occasions that I do get offhand comments about random things, the best thing to do is to ignore and move on. because if you don’t, if you let it get to you, they win.

it sucks that things are like this, but it is what is it is :( Hopefully things get better in the future


I know right, thank youu :) wish you the best

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