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Why can’t I get straight A’s like my friends, even though they don’t study at all, or focus on school less than me? Why I’m the stupid one?

22 replies

I’m 22 and I’ll let you in on a secret, you might think the world goes around grades and numbers you score, but IT DOESN’T.
I was a straight A student and I failed the exams of a professional course which some non straight A ones passed in the first go.


Yes, but If I would fail school that would be bad. Wouldn’t it be?


All you gotta do rn, is gain knowledge, know your concepts, strength your base and have fun in the process. Don’t forget to enjoy the ride! YOU’LL GET THROUGH IT


What do You mean by fun? I feel stupid every time I go inside the building. My parents are going to be disappointed in me, even more than they already are…


consistency will get you through it


okay, school is not supposed to be like this.


Thanks, ig I will just keep trying


I know, but unfortunately in my country, every school is like this, I don’t have time for any hobbies and I only get yelled at and called stupid


where are you from?




you don’t get enough time after school and study schedules?


No, I only have time to eat, do basic stuff and learn, I start lessons at 7 am and finish them at 17:00, I have to drive an hour and half to get to my house. Also during lessons I don’t understand most topics, I don’t know if that’s my fault or the teachers.


Also I barely find any time to sleep, usually 4 hours, if I’m lucky I sleep 6.


this is really hard! now i understand why you are feeling that way


Thank you for understanding my situation, I’m not giving up, but I’m just getting tired of my pointless work.


I would only suggest you to make the most of the time you are taking your lessons from 7-17, if you don’t understand things in one go, try to read the topics before hand or give it a read the same day. ask a friend to help out or seek out to the teacher if you can.
AND GET GOOD SLEEP. please. I’m sure it will help you be more energetic and active in your lessons.


I will definitely ask my classmates for help. Teachers unfortunately won’t be able to because they hate me. Also, I’m going to try to manage my work better to be able to revise topics. Thank you for your help, and honest replies.


anytime babe, feel free to reach out!
best of luck, you got this

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