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Why can’t i get love when i did everything to make him happy? He ignores me and act like i am nothing to him ,whereas i think of him as my world.
I am tired of this cycle.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sabrina7
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sabrina7

He just doesn’t care sis. Accept it and move on.


But deep inside i can’t think of anything else but him


You deserve better. Stop trying to convince someone that you deserve love, stop seeking it in the wrong place. You know you deserve love, and you should be able to walk away when it’s not served on your table.


Thanks ,it means a lot but sometimes your brain knows what’s wrong or right but still cant convince your heart


I understand what you’re saying. It must be tough for you at this time. But trust me few months from now, you’re gonna pat your back and be so proud of yourself for walking away from this. You deserve love, if he ain’t showing it, it’s time for you to show yourself some love and respect yourself enough to walk away from someone who doesn’t value you enough, doesn’t treat you right and doesn’t bother to put efforts to keep you in his life. Because you deserve a love that’s afraid to loose you, not just let you slide. When you walk away from toxicity, you open ways for better things.


Thanks a lot for this explanation, ik its hard but i will try more hard and i guess waiting is painful and one day ,my hopes will get vanish and i m just waiting for that time when i don’t need to bother about anything related to him and leaving everything behind.


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