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Profile picture for Now&Me member @_feelingz_

feelingz :/ @_feelingz_

why can’t i be as pretty as the other girls

Profile picture for Now&Me member @literally_me
Profile picture for Now&Me member @grimmdemon
Profile picture for Now&Me member @_feelingz_
17 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @literally_me

anonymous @literally_me

You’re pretty… Just stay healthy do exercise if you are not confident enough just change your whole look a bit but for yourself not for others… otherwise you’ll never be confident … Start loving yourself everyone is beautiful you just need to take out the beauty from with in yourself…!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_feelingz_

feelingz :/ @_feelingz_

thank you i will try hopefully 2022 is my year x <3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @literally_me

anonymous @literally_me

Yes exactly!!! ❤️🌸✨
Take love my girl

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @grimmdemon

Danny @grimmdemon

I don’t know you, but I bet you are a beautiful person. Beauty isn’t only skin deep, it also comes from the heart and how you treat others.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_feelingz_

feelingz :/ @_feelingz_

awhhh that’s so sweet!!! and i bet you are to gorgeous <3

Aashima Sharma @aashima

Are you really comparing yourself to other girls?
Please don’t let beauty standards tell you otherwise. You’re amazing!!!

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_feelingz_

feelingz :/ @_feelingz_

thank you so much omg these comments are so sweet like i’m about to cry ahaha but i will try my hardest xx

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Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_feelingz_

feelingz :/ @_feelingz_

that’s so true tho i’m just always looking out for others and not myself but this year i will do wayyy better and i hope you have an amazing year xx


I also say that to myself many times… But then I realize… Fuck them they are just pretty… With no brains… I am pretty and talented… Have good attitude girl… It’s what make u beautiful

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_feelingz_

feelingz :/ @_feelingz_

ahahahaha i laughed so hard at this comment ahahah but like i get what you mean and yes yes we have to be pretty and have talent thank you so much for this comment tho it means alot xx have the best year okay your doing great <3

Devarsh @devarsh

Hey, I just want to say everyone is beautiful in their own way, and I know it doesn’t seem like that and people will disagree but you know what? screw them. Keep smiling and you look beautiful!! Remember to be happy and just be yourself! That’s most important.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_feelingz_

feelingz :/ @_feelingz_

yes it is so important like reading these comments are making me feel like i’m someone if that makes sense bc i’ll always look out for others instead of myself so i will try my hardest to keep on top of my health and beauty xx have an amazing year okay your doing great keep it up <3


Hey beautiful,you’re the prettiest.
You know,you’ve a beautiful heart and down the line physical beauty fades with time.
It’s the internal beauty which matters.
And you’ve it.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_feelingz_

feelingz :/ @_feelingz_

that’s so true i’m just so happy that’s people can relate with me on this <3 have the best year yet okay keep it up gorgeous xx


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