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Why boys don’t want a true connection and would rather want to pass time or hookup. I am tired of this gen.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mepaw
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Some do believe in true connection not everyone does the same


Trust issues ☺️


Who said that. 🙄


Hmm and the boys trying to get real connection get to stay single whole time and the trait goes on


Cause most of them are deeply insecure or afraid of being hurt or just a piece of sh**


i don’t understand this either, what happens if they just come out of their shell for a sec, maybe there is someone special looking out for them


Most of the time, I think they once did come out of their shell and got hurt pretty bad and destroyed their whole outlook on things like connections and emotions


what about if they miss the chance to get healed, will they be in their shell forever?


Yes and no… Sometimes, that just becomes part of who they are and maybe someone out there will be able to see and understand all they’ve gone through and decide to actually talk to them as they work through it

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What happened

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mepaw

M @mepaw

I guess good connections are very hard to get, one has to literally work their ass off for it. And no one wants to be alone, so the last choice they have is to hookup, which I guess is much easily available…


People are shit 😂


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