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Why are most of the boys afraid of commitment and get distant when u ask it from them

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreyas12
9 replies

Everyone has diff reasons yr😶


Mainly depends on how they were treated and how was their environment in past🙄🙂


One of the reasons can be that they already have so much going on!!!
So many responsibilities!!!
Now adding one more to the list is a bit frightening…
Ig that’s the reason boys run away from commitment
Nd not just boys
Some of us girls too!


Sometimes it’s due to the fact that they are not sure about how things might turn out so instead of giving false hopes. They try not to commit to something… And sometimes due to the reason that there’s already a lot happening in their life and they don’t have it in them to put some more efforts and time in someone or somewhere else… Everyone’s been there once…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreyas12

shreyas @shreyas12

Ha ha ha , well I’m ready to be tried and tested.
Im totally free.😁

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Two bigg red flags…
One you’re desperate…
Two- you’re a free loader, with no concern about future and with no life goals.
Also by the way you said it seems like huge lack of self respect too🤐🤐

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreyas12

shreyas @shreyas12

Ha ha ha desperate good word to describe my feelings - as far as self respect is concerned - it’s used to be there at some part of my life 😅- hmmm… well ur still think about replying me ur wasting ur precious time 🤣 well I’m glad I wasted ur time till now🙈


It has so much to do with their attachment styles, our takes on romantic relationships are actually manifestation of our developmental stage and experiences growing up


Because he doesn’t love you …even if he say he does…he’s doing time pass


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