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why am i confused about my feelings for her? we’ve been friends for 3 years now and for past one year I’ve literally asked the question “do i like her ?” thousand times cuz the answer’s always different and it’s very irritating. I’ve known her since my childhood and its only 3 years ago we started being friends but we’ve this synergy that puts us ahead everything we’ve been thru and it’s pure gold. But even after this togetherness, the answer for why am i confused about my feelings for her is unknown to me, she’s just perfect, godlike creature sent to earth to make my life a blessing which shows that either she deserves better or im just so dumb and stupid to ask her out. This confusion sometimes led me to fight her when she’s talking with other guys, when she says they’re cute, they hold hands and im like whatt that should’ve been me but at other time im like, i’ve got work to do, she got work to do, she doesn’t understands some of the references to my fav shows so maybe i don’t like her.

Why is this so hard? why am i so confused about my feelings for her? is there any way i can identify if she’s the one? what if in pursuit of getting her, i also lose my friendship? I just don’t know aghhh, why is she so caring and beautiful, it would’ve been so easy to identify my feelings then instead of getting stuck in this confused state.

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