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Why always girl ignore the efforts of a person who genuinely cares for herπŸ™‚

Profile picture for Now&Me member @preethi2001
5 replies

Because they dont trust them, unfortunately


Well, one dude was just giving me weird vibes he was a little to controlling when we’re not even dating, btw he confess his feelings for me

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @preethi2001

IT'S @preethi2001


When a guy takes his time and puts real efforts for a person who they genuinely care then it’s a very big deal because trust me not all guys out there would do something like this.

If a guy takes his time and puts effort for a girl then trust me we girls would really appreciate it from bottom of our heart because it would make us feel very special and happy.

But sometimes a guys needs to see and understand things from a β€œgirls point of view” before jumping into conclusions that girls just don’t appreciate guy’s genuine efforts.

(Look if you put genuine effort then) -

Some girls would be super happy, emotional, excited and would let everyone around them know how lucky they are to have a guy who loves and cares from them. These girls would straight up let you know how much appreciate your time and effort.

On the other side there are some girls who sadly do have trust issues because of their previous bad relationships or previous bad experience. For girls out there who do have trust issues it takes a lot of time for them to fully trust a person and appreciate someone who genuinely cares for them and puts efforts for them. If you are with someone like that then you have to have β€œlots and lots of patience”.

So before coming to a conclusion that β€œalways girls ignore the efforts of a person who genuinely cares for her” - think what she really is going through, if she has some trouble then talk to her, if she needs help then help her in all the possible way.

If you genuinely love someone then try to understand them and be there for them. Trust me if a person finds out there is a genuine person who puts a lot of effort in them then they would appreciate it very much 😊

Thank you for reading this
I hope you find the right person at the right time. Until then you have to have some patience.
Take care πŸ’•


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