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Whenever we talk my bf keeps bringing his ex up in the middle of our conversation. He randomly starts saying she used to love this and that stuff in relation to what we talk.
It pisses me off. What do I do so that he stops bringing her up again and again?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayshasim
18 replies

Do you have an ex too ???




May be when he does talk about her ex talk about your best friend or a crush that might make him feel the same and then let him know it hurts you

Let him have taste of his own medicine


Isn’t this a lil immature of me to do? I mean what if it gets worst because he’ll be hurt, I’ll be hurt, no one will communicate and it’ll turn ugly


It is great of you that you show maturity and I guess you would be having a great ideology and personality if you can think this way

Just sit and communicate with him I guess you have posted this problem earlier too and this is quite bothering you


No I haven’t posted it earlier. But yeah it’s bothering me and I guess it’s better to communicate as you said.
I’ll just try to make him understand my pov and see how it goes.


Someone with similar problem did so I confused you to be her

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He’ll stop talking about her but what if he’ll still think about her?

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No. Unless it is affecting me too

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayshasim

sim @ayshasim

If he still not over her, clearly he is not ready for a new relationship.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayshasim

sim @ayshasim

Broo just tell him what you feel! If he like you, he’ ll totally understand.


Yeah. It’s better to communicate than to just crib about it


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