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3am ThoughtsThought


when your papa works hard you are 22 and you are still hunting for job while managing your social phobia which is really shitty excuse ,your papa comes home being tired and coughing n sounding mentally exhausted .,cant even ask ‘hows you’ dont know but it doesnt come out of my mouth, his sad face feels as if im the reason for it .i love him and just want to go and hug him tight saying papa your child going to make you proud but as he has said he doesnt trust me any more i hve broken it many times i cant bear that thought in my mind

8 replies

Tecks @tecks

That feeling sucks, have been in a similar situation of going nowhere fast. You are already facing the truth and are admitting it, which is one of the most important, painful and difficult things. Also, as I understand you are already moving in the right direction, just keep your goal in mind and move towards it no matter what is happening around you.


Empowering one thanks mate💯

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Yes thank you so much

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This brought tears in my eyes as I have been with the same situation and my daddy and mother working so hard.Things haven’t turned good but it’ll turn after few months as finally as a long wait I have a job offer with not a great pay but I think it is okay for start.


Hugs🤗🤗 stay strong and congratulations we will be okay


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