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When my husband died I shut everyone off. I don’t want to let anyone in or even give love a chance only he was able to fully understand who and what I am from the inside out. And never made me feel less than anything. I loved him more than my own life and now I really don’t know what to do with my life since he is not here anymore. Life is just not the same anymore…… what’s the point of continuing

6 replies

Life has been unfair with you coz the person was everything to you and now you don’t have him it’s very sad and unfair to you but i guess the destiny have other things planned for you in life so just trust the process of the destiny there will be something for you waiting in the future just don’t shut it up all.


Thank you for your advice I appreciate it.


Welcomed 🤗 & let’s connect if you don’t mind then…


Ask yourself just one Important question.
Do you want to be be loved again (Don’t mention by anyone or someone) just ask if you want to to feel love again or not ?
If yes then you need to open yourself to receive love. No one can read a closed book.


I never thought about that but I thank you for your advice.


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