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3am ThoughtsThought

notyourhoe @drama_bitxchh

When in love is it normal to think that you guys will get back to each other even though you are clear abt the fact that the guy isn’t interested in you…
Just had my heart 💔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mirzad
6 replies

If he’s not interested in u… why r u bothering to get back to him…
Just leave him to be…🤷‍♂️

notyourhoe @drama_bitxchh

Yeah I left him long ago
I am talking about the fkin hope j always have abt us…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mirzad

............ @mirzad

Bt u really know there is no hope for u…
U jst fake the reality…wht do u get by doing that…jst think🤷‍♂️


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