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When I was five, I met a boy named Buddy. We became best friends when we were six. We were inseperable. I never let go of his hand, I swear. But when we were put in different classes in fifth grade, we both had severe panic attacks daily. When we got the chance to see eachother, it got more intimate. We would hug and, when we were 14, kiss. When we were 15, we started sleeping together. And, of course, my birth control had to be terrible. I got pregnant with my now two year old twin boy and girl. I’m not going to say their names, but they’re the center of my life. I had to get a job, which was torture. I am still inseperable from Buddy, and our children are too. My dad (my mother passed away when I was three) despises him, but he used to love him. He was a charmer, and incredibly loveable. So yeah. Just wanted to share my story and say, to all of the teenagers dealing with this, just don’t do it. If it’s so terrible to be virgin, then feel terrible until you’re married. Like, seriously, don’t have sex until you’re married. Please please please! And if it does happen, you getting pregnant, then remember, it’s your baby and your body. If you want to abort, you abort. I wanted to originally, but by the time I had my mind made up entirely, I was in labor. So, Buddy and I live in a small apartment, I am training in medical school, and our babies are happy and healthy (besides a missing toe on my baby girl, it fell off at birth. We have it looked at every time she’s at the doctor, but so far, doctors think it’s from a certain circulation issue that happened in the womb). We’re on track for a better life, and I hope this reaches you! 💕

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
7 replies

I am pregnant with a baby right now! I posted about it! Being a teen mom sounds better than how I made it out to be. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

More strength to you and your family.
I am sure you both will give your children a happy and secured life. You have many years to think about it. Just with time and right opportunities you’ll pass through.

All the Best! :)


Thank you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Anytime! :)

Also, I had a thought. In India, it’s not allowed to live separately and people don’t give their flats to such a young couple who aren’t married at the age of 17 which you mentioned. How are you both living in another apartment? With no jobs in hand?


My parents. They’re paying for everything. America is a little more open to that than other countries, I guess. I actually have no idea. I’ve never left the country.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Outside India, it’s still allowed, yeah.
Great! :)




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