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Women EmpowermentThought


When I was around 5-6 in age. My uncle had given me many chocolates but before that he used to take me to the stairs at my own house and started kissing me and do other stuff as well. I was just a kid I didn’t knew that what was this. But after sometime I realised that this was wrong. I told my cousin and she talked to her mother but she said we have to keep quite otherwise this will create a huge chaos in our home. And now I’m 23, I still feel unsafe whenever he’s around. I am so afraid now also that what will my mom and dad do, if they found this. I just can’t say this to anybody. Sometimes women’s are not even safe around their own relatives.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @banisinghvasir
4 replies

i am genuinely so sorry you had to go through that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @banisinghvasir

Bani Singh @banisinghvasir

Dear Anon,
Women are not safe around their relatives, in the streets, at work or anywhere. It is so sad that as a society we choose to stay quiet to not stain the reputation of a man. I wish I could take the liberty to tell you what to do, because as an outsider it is so easy to say, “Why don’t you complain about him?” But I don’t know what your circumstances are, and I don’t know why you choose to stay quiet because I’m sure a part of you probably does not want to think about the fact that that actually happened, and I’m so sorry that we as a society have failed to provide you with the confidence to tell your story and to not let men like your uncle live freely without the fear of their actions. If you’ve seen the movie Highway (Alia Bhatt) she finds liberation in calling out her uncle, after she finds herself, her identity and I hope you find the best way there is for you to liberate yourself, and just know it probably may be uncomfortable in the beginning and gossip mongers are going to gossip, but if you take a stand for yourself you’ll find those few people who’ll stand by you, no matter what. Try to have this conversation, with your parents if possible, if you have a good understanding with them. Your mom and dad may surprise you with their level of maturity and understanding. Please don’t feel responsible; if there is anyone who has disrespected the sanctity of relationships, consent, childhood, innocence it is your uncle. I wish you would go through this, and I hope this does not trigger you but rather helps you connect with this person and may you draw strength from each other. This is easier said than done but I hope you find courage and strength and just know that everyone here wants to help in their own capacity. Sending you the warmest hugs, my heart goes out to you dear precious, I am here to listen to you, you’re going to figure this out.


OK, so this is a serious situation; and I know it’s scary (and I’m a total hypocrite here, cause way easier said than done) but tell your family. Yes it will cause chaos but things could change for the better he could get the fuck out of your life or heaven forbid your whole family is scum (sorry for the brutal language here!!!) go and find your own. Imma throw a SPN quote in here because it’s who I am. It goes ‘family don’t end in blood… but it don’t start with it either.’ Know that honey. Know your worth the world and deserve so much better than what you’ve been through :D


If you did not tell your parents about his reality. What about the other kids that have developed same kind of fear about him and are facing same issue like you!!! Speak before it gets too late. And whenever you see that person always look into his eyes with anger your weakness is his strength.


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