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When I see the mirror all I see is a broken girl who can’t be fixed. When I told my friends about me they laughed at Me,when I told my bf about me he left me saying that he don’t want to deal with an psycho so I stopped talking. I don’t say anything then how can I go to a psychologist? People like me can’t be fixed and its difficult to go through each day.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
4 replies

Yes you can be fixed,you are going to be ok soon,you need to communicate about the issue ie:what broke you?


Raped at the age of 13 then didn’t get support and when I tried talking to my parents they just ignored me saying we will talk later about it so I felt vulnerable then my mom dad took divorce so since then I didn’t feel loved I guess😅


That person should go to prison for what he/she has done to you.Did they ask about it later?They are your parents they love you man its obvious,If you can share it with your parents the one you’re close with share it,or if there’s a person you’re close with you should tell them.I hope that you will heal soon.okay :) do not worry.Believe in God .You are not alone.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Your boyfriend who should be with you broke up saying you are a psycho. It’s good he did that because it’s much better to be single than be with those who think such as a person.
Why do you feel broken? Your parents are wrong that they didn’t take up this issue and I am sorry for that. However, your parent’s divorce doesn’t mean you are not being loved. They will be there for you even if they are separated because they are your parents. You are loved and people around will love you for who you are.

If you feel like talking to a psychologist, go ahead. Even if you don’t talk much, there they will create an atmosphere where you will speak up because you want it and because you want someone to help you out of all this. They are safe to talk to and you will feel much better about yourself. 💜


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