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When I opened his insta without his notice I found heā€™s cheating on me which he isnā€™t feeling guiltā€¦ Heā€™s completely fine heā€™s isnā€™t bothered about this relationship but y am I the only one who is strugglingā€¦ I feel so anxious when my mind strikes with a thought that heā€™s no more interested in me and heā€™s ok letting me go šŸ˜£ā€¦ I love him so much but I donā€™t want himā€¦ I want to move on Iā€™m trying but I feel pain.šŸ˜£ā€¦ I feel something crushing my heartā€¦ Any suggestions to reduce the painā€¦ I just donā€™t want to care at allā€¦ He lost me but itā€™s hurting meā€¦ I really wanted to forget everything, this pain, those memories every single thing

Profile picture for Now&Me member @khusro
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @khusro

Khusro @khusro


Move on. Thatā€™s the only thing. Not necessarily moving on with any other person, but moving on with your life and creating the life you want. Rather than placing your happiness and peace in some douchebags.


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