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When I call my friend she often hangs up the phone during our conversation because her mother or someone else from her family come…Usually I am talking about myself something serious and she interrupts me in the middle of a sentence and says:oh,my mother came and just hangs out the phone…today I felt bad about my relationship and I started to complain to her about that and she said oh my mother came from the store outside and without saying anything she again just hang up the phone…is this behavior normal?I dont know why but I feel irritated and I feel like she feels superior and is giving me a vibe of negative energy
Any opinions would be appreciated!Thank you!

4 replies

Maybe you are talking about yourself too much? Do u even bother whats going on with her and ask about her?


Yees of course I do ,and we talk about her too a lot and often when I talk about me he hangs the phone and says ohh someone come like her mother or someone else


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