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Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa

What’s we even the point of living and achieving success when at the end of the day we all are just gonna die??
Nah I’m not depressed just confused tho

Profile picture for Now&Me member @its_suryank
Profile picture for Now&Me member @aditya_07
Profile picture for Now&Me member @paraggupta
Profile picture for Now&Me member @letter
Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @its_suryank

Suryank Singh @its_suryank

What is your confusion

Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa

read the post I’ve mentioned it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aditya_07

Aditya @aditya_07

Like what the reason you born to enjoy and live a beautiful life for that you have to be successful right

Profile picture for Now&Me member @paraggupta

parag gupta @paraggupta

At the end there is nothing but until end, you are living, so you have two options just left everything and live like begger until death or enjoy and live amazing life


Hi so i am not sure if this is the answer that you are looking for but personally i want to look at life like a vacation (like a once in a life time adventure), i know that there will be some great experience and some horrible ones but i will still want to make sure that i enjoyed myself and completed all the experiences that i wanted to have during the journey. The great parts are the success and the horrible ones are the failures but both combined will make it even more memorable for me so when i go back into the grave, I’ll know that i did my best to enhance my existence because if i don’t atleast try to savour my life then i am not living at all, i am just existing.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa


Profile picture for Now&Me member @letter

fiction @letter

You know what you have asked the most unanswered question in science and philosophy! No one knows what’s the purpose of human living. People have started their beliefs according to their region! Many believe in different religions! because they find hope in those things that there is an afterlife! Many think that our purpose here is to just exist and complete the cycle of the universe! Many believe we are here to serve humanity everyone has their own PRECEPTION but no one knows why they are actually here! There are a lot of things that can be discussed regarding this topic! But I think this is enough to give you your answer

Modest @modestwriter

We’re surely going to die one day. So make every moment count. Same thought, different perspective.


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